Monday 5 June 2017

#183 'Turning Tide, Emsworth Harbour' 21x30cm

Painted this a few days ago. I was standing at the end of the jetty that I had previously painted #178. 
When I arrived the tide was almost at it's lowest, it's surpising how quickly it turned and changed. When it did the boats turned 180 degrees! And the mud flat near me disappeared! I had blocked everything in but finished during the Open Studios yesterday putting more light on the boats and water. 

We had a good start over the weekend with visitors to our Open Studios. We're open again on Friday. 


  1. Computer glitz resolved I am now able to comment on your paintings again. I have compared this painting with your previous Emsworth harbour pictures and can see more luminosity of light and greater movement in the water. You have caught the swirl of the returning tide and the light from the sky on the surrounding mud flats. I love the way the boats lead away into the distance. Great painting.

    1. Hi Pat, so pleased you are back in the computer world, I have missed your comments!
      Glad you like this one, I am happy with it :-)
