Thursday 29 June 2017

#193 'Pholos, Ile de Re' 10x10"

I heard from the other painters about a lovely old boat on blocks out of the water. 
There were 6 people painting around the area. I joined them with uncertainty as it was a big subject to tackle. 
The drawing & structure is important to get the angles & perspective. I marked off a couple of points but didnt draw it all out as I as I wanted to keep it blocky ( and not linear) especially in such a heavy weighted round bottom boat!
So much of the boat was white but peeling & old. I used my brush stokes to describe the direction of the carvel wood planks. 
I didn't try and put too much details. I wanted the emphasis on the shape and character of the boat. Also the size of it hence why I filled the board to make it feel big. 
A Dutch couple came past and really liked my painting and want to buy it. Such a boost and pleasing when this happens. 

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