Saturday, 30 April 2016

'Yachts, Port Solent' Pen & Ink

This is a marina and shopping complex near to Portsmouth where I used to live, a lovely spot when it was sunny like today.
I wasn't up to painting it but hopefully will get back there and do it another day.


  1. Pen and ink brings out the detail so well of the boats. How you've captured the shadow in the water is excellent. By how you've done this, you, can see it's in water. Very clever with only the pen and no other colour. Love it.

  2. I love the elegance and simplicity of pen and ink and you have caught the scene beautifully. You are very versatile with your mediums.

  3. I like the incompleteness of the two boats each side of the the main yacht; accentuates the main boat and the reflections are just enough....
