Tuesday 6 September 2016

First Round ROI!

As I said in the previous blog I entered some paintings into the Royal Institute of Oil Painters at the Mall Galleries London. I have managed to get the above 2 through the first round, sooooo pleased and feel like I'm on the right track with my work.

All things crossed that I get through the next round as then I will 'hung' in there yearly exhibition! I have to wait till 1st October when I'll take them to London for the next round!


  1. Considering how many paintings are put forward for inclusion in this exhibition, congratulations on getting through the first round and here's hoping they go all the way!

  2. Great paintings and the frames really suit them :0) Very best of luck, Clare, they'd easily hold their own at the Mall Galleries.

  3. Two of my favourites, really pleased you got through the first round, very impressive indeed :-) Everything crossed for 1st October xx
