Thursday, 28 January 2016

Daily Painting #21 'An Iris Flower' 4x4"

It was good to try the iris again, a close up small painting. Easier to focus on the colours and tones when there is just a single flower. I had 'learnt' the subject yesterday so it was familiar today and therefore a lot easier. I enjoyed using the rich violet colours and dashes of yellow.


  1. Powerful when a single flower head. Gorgeous colour tones in such a small work.

  2. beautiful control over values and brushwork! Very nice

  3. beautiful control over values and brushwork! Very nice

  4. Lovely flower and well textured background. I hear your voice in my head when I am attempting backgrounds. I wish I could offer the useful criticism you have given me, but to my eyes it looks very well painted and I can't fault it.
